Brighter Messaging
everyone is not your customer, mismatched puzzle piece

3 reasons why everyone is not your customer

Every business needs customers, so turning away customers might feel like business suicide. But hard as it may be for business owners to hear: not everyone is your customer.

Although it’s tempting to think that everyone needs what your business offers, that strategy rarely leads to long-term, sustainable success. Your product or service has specific target customers and users. Consider a store like Walmart, for example. They may have mass appeal and a broad target market, but they’re still not for everyone. If you’re looking for high-end brands and designer couture, you’re not shopping for clothes or accessories at Walmart.

The truth is that when you try to speak to everyone, you appeal to no one. If you think about your favorite consumer brands, you’ll probably realize that they appeal to you because they seem to understand your problems, desires, and what you’re looking for from their product or service. By narrowing down on your ideal customer, you actually open your business up to serious growth.

Here are 3 reasons why everyone is not your customer:

#1 Not all customers are a good fit

New customers and consistent sales build businesses, but not every paying customer is a good customer. “The customer is always right,” retail magnate Harry Gordon Selfridge famously said in 1909. Yes, over a century plus a decade ago! While there is something to be said for treating customers with respect and delighting them with your products and services, the customer is not always right, and they may not even be the right customer for your business.

If you’ve been in business for any amount of time, you’ve probably had customers you regret taking on. Perhaps they are always complaining, want more than they pay for, take up too much of your time, or make you feel unmotivated and uninspired. Sometimes the fault is neither theirs nor yours; you’re simply not a good fit for one another, and it’s often better to cut your losses and move on.

Sample questions to help you determine whether a customer is a good fit for your business:

  • Are they loyal to your business?
  • Do they spend a lot of time trying to get free information from you without buying anything?
  • Are you able to reasonably meet their expectations?
  • Does your brand benefit from the association with theirs?
  • Is the client profitable?
  • Would there be a better way to spend your resources if you didn’t have them on your books?
  • Do your business ethics align?
  • Do you feel excited and motivated about the work you do for them?

If the answers to these questions raise red flags about a particular customer or segment of your market, it may be time to have some difficult conversations. Even if you choose not to fire a client, use the things that make you uncomfortable about the arrangement as screens when bringing on new accounts.

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#2 Not everyone can afford you

Not everyone can afford your product or services. And that’s OK. You know how much time and resources go into your work, what you need to pay the bills, and how much you need to charge to make it all worthwhile. There’s no need to feel shy about your pricing and offer discounts to prospective customers who say that your services are beyond their budgets; the truth is that they’re just not your target customer. Your pricing can also be a good way to screen potential customers—those who don’t see your value or can’t afford you are not worth pursuing.

#3 Not all customers serve your business goals

Businesses evolve over time, and sometimes that evolution leads to a change in target market. For example, let’s say you started out as a food truck and people loved your nachos so much that you decided to open a brick-and-mortar restaurant. Along with new menu items, you’re now serving a different purpose and a new customer need—think birthday party groups enjoying margarita jugs instead of passers-by looking for a quick fix on the run. As your business and business goals develop, you need to re-adjust your target customer profile.

Why it pays to hone in on your ideal customer

To fill your client roster with ideal customers requires you to clarify who your ideal client is and what makes them the right fit for your business. The basis of good sales and marketing is defining your customers carefully. Once you have a clearly defined target audience, it becomes easier to identify where to invest your time and budget effectively for a better return on investment—and a better overall working environment. Carving out a niche within your industry allows you to connect with your specific audience—their pain points, desires, and motivations—and actually makes the job of marketing your business easier:

Customers who are a good fit, can afford your services, and see the value in what you do for them reduce friction (and inject more fun) into your everyday business operations.

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Find your focus

At Brighter Messaging, we help our customers (service-based businesses that are carefully guarding a well-established reputation in their niches) clearly articulate their value proposition and target market and create a clear vision and plan that aligns with their customers and their brand. Contact us to learn more about our value proposition workshop and small business marketing strategy services.


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