Brighter Messaging

Business Services

We specialize in helping small, service-based businesses create an online presence that helps them achieve their long-term vision.

Online Presence Audit

When you want a new direction for your marketing, you begin by taking stock of what you have.

Marketing Strategy

You know your desired client. Together we will get that information out of your head and into your online presence.

Website Development

We specialize in creating websites that drive organic traffic, convert visitors into leads, and offer your business a credible presence online.

Email Marketing

Strategic email marketing is one of the most cost-effective tools in your marketing kit. Small business owners trust Brighter Messaging to create email campaigns that tick all the boxes, build relationships, and drive their business goals.

Ghostwriting Services

Creating valuable, captivating content is a profitable approach to building brand awareness and growing a business.

Digital Marketing Support

Let’s face it: DIY marketing isn’t working for you anymore. You need a partner who can lead the charge.

Start-ups, New Businesses, and Solo-preneurs: Start here

Our Ethos →

Digital marketing is an absolute explosion. There are nearly innumerable ways to promote your business online, and new opportunities crop up every day. To maintain your sanity, you need a strategy. But how do you know what will work? And what about that shiny flashy thing that your competitor just did? We believe in creating a solid foundation that gives you the most control and ownership of your marketing possible. That foundation includes:
  • A beautiful, secure, and optimized website that reflects your brand and tells your story
  • Control over communication with your customers by owning your contact list
  • Unique and compelling content that offers value to prospects

Once the basics are set, you’re ready to layer in social media, paid advertising, special campaigns, and all sorts of other fun things. The key is to bring it all back to your website. Companies that go all-in on social media platforms are so often victims to the whims of changing algorithms (or worse). When all leads are generated through paid channels, you have little choice but to continue spending month after month.

Owning your platform and branching out to the places where your desired customer hangs out enables business growth that’s sustainable over time.

Ready for an online presence that sets you apart from your competitors and fuels growth? Contact us to request a consultation.